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About me

Get to know this young eccentric man

A fun loving introvert. A young guy who loves to learn and experiance new things. A person who considers his mind to be his most valuable asset. A person who absolutely loves to write in third person! *wink wink*

Apart from cracking downright appalling jokes, I immerse myself in a variety of other activites, too. I love reading fiction, writing stuff and dancing to certain kind of music.

Adarsh Jon Alex

The Cerebral Retard

Paradoxical, isn't it? Well I believe that I am a high fuctioning member of our society capable of producing thoughts and creating worlds solely with the power of imagination.

But I also happen to be the guy who, when told a warm "Happy Birthday" to, says "You're welcome" in a hurry,backt. See? Exactly.


Past. Present. Future.

  • 2016-Future

    Freelance @ Content Writer

    Making money from blogging was always frustrating for me. I never knew when my article would rank and certainly had no clue when the next algorithm update would hit my site and make my whole life miserable. Luckily, content writing was nothing like that. Write, get paid and repeat. Simple! As of now, I work with a bunch of cool niche bloggers. And making money in the process.

  • 2014-2015

    My Style Sheets @ Designer

    Back in the day, I used to play with the code a bit, of my first blog '8ruuux'. Altering the CSS to make the website look and feel different. Soon I found my passion for web designing and started to heavily manipulate the template creating almost a new theme all-together. I decided to make a blog exclusively for my 'CSS tricks' which I made.. and designed by myself. aahh! the good old days!

  • 2013-2016

    Graduated 12th @ MaryMatha

    Everyone graduates and so did I. Was never into academics but loved knowledge and questioning stuff. This curious nature of mine surely did not aid me in obtaining high scores each time I took a test but it did, however, made sense to all those equations and theorems I had to mug up. Atleast for me. One thing is for sure, I thoroughly enjoyed (read:lived) my school life!

  • 2012-2014

    author & admin @ 8ruuux

    This was the first venture I made on the internet. A simple blog in the technology niche which provided paid softwares for free. The idea was familiar but effective. My little blog became pretty popular and began rank higher and higher. Then a Google algorithm update hit, flagged the URL and wasted my tresure. But I got to learn a lot from that blog, earn a bit too, for that I am indeed blessed.

Skills & Things about me

html & css
Web Designer

My blog

Pointless exaggerations of my thoughts

Jan 8, 2022

Xing's Nightmare

Dream by Adarsh Jon Alex
Woke up at 4am to write what I saw.

Xing elder typical brother

Mom - a chill lady who was also very health conscious due to her exisiting health conditions. Bad knee.

Younger sister - impulsive and bubbly.

Normal dad.

Xing always acted a little bitchy with his mom, calling her "belittling bitch" but he never meant it.

These are a family with super powers.

The children are the most gifted, xing able to manipulate technology and is super smart. Sister is able to partially travel through time. But it works a different and she is not great at it.

Story takes place in a moody subway station.

Xing and sister left school and reached the station to board a train back to home. But They saw their mom leaving in a train. They wanted to ask something not so important to her so they tried to approach her but the train took off. Younger sister decides to travel into the future, a branch in the reality in future where her mom exist, somewhere in close physical proximity so they both could ask this question and then after getting the information come back to the present and go on about their lives. Sister always uses her power like this, to do small tasks such as extracting simple information from the future.

It takes a dark turn when she is not able to find a branch as mentioned. Her eyes open with shock. No branch in future with their mom. What happens to her?!

Xing, possessing super intelligence, in a heart beat concludes that she dies shortly after they see the train leave. Sister is frozen as she realises that Xing is probably right. "Why is there no future without her?!" She mumbled.

So they decide to go to the past and talk to her one last time.  Xing knows not to intensionally manipulate things in a branch for your benifit, so he was to let mom go. The very fabric of reality can witness a megatear if they attempt something as big as resurrecting someone from the dead. But they wanted to say a proper good bye.

So she reverses time (which she is not great at as she always goes forward because that's what she excels at) but can only do it in certain extent. Every time they travel back it's always a second late and the train leaves. At seemed like the order in the universe was trying to stop them.

They try it too many times and try to evade some rules in the subway station to do so, after many attempts the authorities get pissed off and have the digital security system to escort them out (this story happens in future so there are no actual human staff or security). Each time they try to go back a little further back in time, they make the security situation worse making it even harder to see mom.

Then Xing decides to use his powers. He goes to an ATM machine in subway and hacks it by extending his body into it by creating threads of data that penetrates the machine and hacks the entire system of the subway. He disables security and gets to know the exact train time schedule.

He then asks her to take them both to inside the train itself at the correct point in space time (possible now because Xing knows which train is where because he has all the schedule). Sister is now very exhausted by over using her powers for multiple jumps to the past.

Xings askes her one last time to take them to the train in which her mother was in, the train that took her to the station. A point in the past.

(Mother takes a train from a random place and arrives at the station, her kids see her and she boards another train to somewhere else)

Sister said it would be very difficult but she agreed. She held his hand and traveled back. Boom! They are in the train. Sister is bleeding from the nose and is a little dissy. Something isn't right.

Xing runs the entirety of the train screaming his mom name but to no avail. He won't let go of the last chance to see his mom so he uses his other super powers to create a tele kinetic blast. Forcing the train to stop. He had exhausted his hacking power by then. The train stops due to the power surge.

Sister trying the hold the fabrics of the reality together accidentally creates micro tears in space time which accidentally increased the effect of the blast Xing did. It was only supposed to stop the train but it got damaged and some passengers got phased out on the tracks.

Shocked they both rush out to the people. The ones sister saw were in pretty bad shape lying on the tracks with micro bleeds. But Xing saw a figure with a familiar purple scarf - he went closer and turned her around to see a smiling mom - it was his mom with barely a few scratches on her face. Both were smiling. Xing almost crying with happiness (but also sadness) to know that it would be the last moments with mother because in the future she eventually is lost.

Xing says out loud to sister "found the belittling bitch" while picking her up towards him. Sister seeing all this doesn't smile and looks shocked to death looking at Xing.

Mother smiled like she has never smiled before and came closer to xing as he lifted her but she phased through xings body as if she was a ghost. Which she indeed was!

Sister looked shocked because a minute ago she realised what happened. And what the tears in the space time really did. It was not the past!

Xing's eyes gazed on his mother's soul as it passes through his body into the afterlife. He looks at sister "it was me?!! I'm the one who kills my mother?!! HOW!!?!".

Sister mumbles "it is the future, Xing" barely able to contain her tears "I accidentally took us into the future" points at a clock next to the tracks "this is the future, not the past. I'm sorry! What have I done!"

Xing realises that he by mistake travels forward in time only to kill his mother. Which is why from the present they couldn't find a reality in future that had their mother (alive) in close physical proximity.

Sister screams "I was too weak, it was my fault!"

Xing simply looks on the tracks were his mother laid, shaking and spoke nothing.

Dec 26, 2017

Instagram Fame

How to get 1k followers on instagram in 25 days

Okay, so this post will be about how I was able to grow my brand new Instagram account from zero to 1k / One thousand (real engaging) followers in just only 25 days. Sounds good? lets begin!

I will be making this very simple and straight forward. Everything I did will be listed in a step by step fashion. Hope that's cool with you. But before that, let us get some facts out there. Information about my account that may be relevant to this post.

I joined Instagram a long time ago, actually. This is not my first account. So I have some experience with the platform and that helped me build my second account. The reason I created the second one in the first place was to showcase my photography. It was an Instagram profile solely for nice beautiful pictures taken by me. The original Instagram handle I had (and still have) was for my personal stuff and not particularly about my work in this regard. And when you are trying to get exposure for your work, it should be only about your work, no personal stuff. So I was inclined to make a second one and I did. One of the best decisions ever.

So, let us see my 25 days long journey in a just three screenshots.
Ready? here goes:

How to get 1k followers on instagram in 25 days

Even though it is not a super pretty collage, it depicts my account in it's three crucial stages and the analysis of each one of them is kind of important to understand how this thing actually works. More details will be shared the following steps.

One thing that you should keep in mind before trying to implement my technique is that it will work effectively only if your account is about quality content in a specific niche. That means if you are going to upload only your selfies and snapshots about your day-to-day life, you will not get this exact result. But you will, however, get results. So yeah, let us start.

Step One: Decide what you are going to upload. What niche will you be working with. What will the content you put up be about. Once that is figured out, you can proceed to the next step. Just incase you did not read the first part of this post, the niche I chose was Photography. That was pretty obvious for me as I am a big-time photography enthusiast.

Step Two: Start the account. Once you do that, you will be required to give three important info to Instagram: the name of the account, the user ID and the profile picture. Yes, these are crucial, believe me.

So if you are a chef and decided to start an account, the niche will be Food photography for you. So firstly put a nice picture that is related with the content: a snapshot of a dish taken from above. Or maybe an overdramatic photo of you cooking in your chef's attire. It should not be a mediocre selfie of you and your wife in your living room. Got the idea?

The user ID should be relevant too. If your name is Dave Parker and you are going to post photos of your pets, don't just put your name as the user ID. Go with something along the lines of  'incredible_pets' or maybe 'animalsofdave'. Same goes with the name of the account. Make it very much related to the niche and ensure that it is eye-catching & interesting.

Step Three: Write a very neat and concise bio about your profile and the content. It should be well written and has to include important keywords relating to the niche. Instagram's algorithm and the people who may visit should get a very clear idea on the first glance itself. A simple request to follow the account at the end may also prove to be a very good idea. Be creative!

Step Four: This is the most crucial step, hands down - Find the top IG profiles in your niche. How you find them is totally upto you. The most simplest method is to go to Google and search for the biggest people on Instagram who do what you are trying to do. Or maybe you can visit some big shout-out pages that feature the top users in the niche. The goal is to somehow find the biggest players in the field.

Step Five: Upload the photos. You saw this coming, didn't you? Well we had to talk about this at some point. I'm hoping you have some good photos (content, basically) to share that are in the niche. Curate the best 12 photos you have. Upload twice daily, one in the morning and one in the evening. You should also follow all your friends who are on Instagram while you do this. Your name must be on the account so your friends will know that it is you. Or maybe do what I did: Put up stories on the first personal account saying that you created a second one.

The caption should be very short and should (most of the time) include some engagement encouraging questions at the end like 'Here is a photo of my Dog Bruno. He is a Labrador. Which is your breed?'.

Also, Make sure you include about 10-20 non-cheesy hashtags that you stole from people you found in Step Four. Yes, you stole them. You need to. Or maybe borrow, I don't know. But the point is to include them. If they are using it, it must be good ones, right?. Simple.

Step Six: Fast forward 6 days. You have 12 very good photos right now and about 120 followers (who are just friends who followed you back, who like you and not necessarily the 12 pictures you uploaded). Now it is time to meet people who are interested in your content and not you!

For that, unfortunately, we have to borrow again, from the people you found in step 4. Go to their profiles, pick any photo you like and look at how many likes it got. Tap on it to see the list of people who liked that particular photo. Follow everyone in that list.

Yep, I said it. To make your new account discoverable and gain real engaging followers, the fastest and the safest way is to simply follow everyone in these particular lists. At a time you can only follow about 200 people. Follow them all.

End of steps

At this stage, when you follow a person, you are basically letting them know that you exist on Instagram land. You're saying "Hey, I followed you. Please check my account out. You may like it."

Each time you upload a new picture, you follow about 100 to 200 people.
So after you post that 13th picture, you go to the top profiles, enter the list of people who liked their content and simply follow them. It sounds insane but it is actually way easier than you think it is. Also did I forget to mention that you need determination?

Anyway, when you follow these accounts (who are engaging people interested in content of the niche), depending upon the effectiveness with which you executed step 2, a number of people will visit your account. And if you did a good job in Step 5, they will follow you back. But only if you did a good job ie, you should have high quality content that should tempt the visitors to tap that follow button.

Keep doing this, and when you run out of people to follow from one of the top account, go to the second account. So basically you steal their followers from them. But this is a good kind of stealing, you know.

"I'm following too much people!"

And when you reach a point where you have too much people in your following list, you can quickly reduce the number by using an app called 'Followers Assistant'. Open the app, login with your account and hit 'refresh list' after some time. Browse to the section where it shows you a list of people who you follow and but don't follow you back. You can tap on unfollow (on the left) and bulk unfollow upto 200 people at a time. This way, keep in check of your Following status.

Continue to upload new good photos and follow niche-specific people till the you have enough number of followers. The perk of these followers will be that they will engage in your posts a lot more than the usual followers.

In other words, people who made 1000 followers in the regular way will only receive around 100-150 likes on their posts (depending on the quality) but you (a person who made 1k followers using this technique) will get more than 250 likes on your posts. And maybe a few comments if the photos are that good.

Slowly you can keep on building your account to heights you never imagined it could climb. But always remember that content is king and your journey will mostly depend on the quality of the content you offer to your audience.

Yes, that is my account above. First photo was posted on November 30 and by 25th of December, that is Christmas night, I was able to hit 1k followers. You may follow me if you are interested in photography. Also, you can also check out my personal Instagram account down below. Happy instagramming!

Banner photo credits: Adarsh Jon Alex

May 18, 2017

My Image

Adarsh Jon Alex on fitness

This is me standing shirtless on the beautiful Azheekal beach. It was not taken recently (shot about two years ago I believe), so I don't exactly look like this right now. Although I've always been this skinny sort of ripped kid from way back.

In this photo you can see me trying to flex my triceps by holding that pose (which may look unusual because people almost always flex their biceps in photos). Pretty developed I'd say. But not much.

Now, if you are into bodybuilding (unlike me) or into human anatomy (like me), you'd know that. But I am guessing you are not. Or are you? Frankly, I have no idea. My blog has zero audience. To be honest, I am the only person I know who reads my blog.

Anyway, welcome, fellow reader! In this entry, I will attempt to briefly (yeah, right!) elaborate the reason behind me using the term 'Fitness freak' to describe myself in the tagline of this website. I will also be imparting knowledge that I've acquired along all these years through my personal experiences.

Before going into the interesting stuff, allow me to recommend you another article on the website titled 'False Image'. It is like a prequel to this Entry... ie, it is a must read! Click here.

Back? okay.

First of all, let me just throw a couple of things out there: I am not a body builder. I have never went to a gym in my life. I do not and have not used any kind of weights for fitness purposes. I am an ovo-lacto vegetarian. I stand 5feet 4 inches tall and weigh 50Kgs. And I don't have a girlfriend.

Ahhh anyway, the intention of the intro was to only make you realize the kind of person I am. Not an expert. Nothing fancy. Just a guy who does simple exercises and tries to lead a healthy life.

For me, Aesthetics of the body is as much as important as the functionality of the physique. Some indulge only in the former (which is something I would not recommend) and for the rest, the latter will be everything. I happen to be right in the middle. Health matters to me as much as the looks. And I do quite a lot of things to keep that balance.

And I am gonna tell you how I preserve that 'equilibrium'.

Understanding the basic stuff.

Now I won't be including super complicated science stuff here. Mainly because I don't know super complicated science stuff and also because you don't wanna read it (probably). Simplicity is the key.

You eat food for energy. And your body uses that energy to maintain itself and its vital organs. But your system uses a great deal of this energy for movement, too. So you walk, talk, jump around like an idiot, you're spending all that energy. And that is a good thing. Everything is cool.

Until either one of these two things happens:
1. You start eating more.
2. You start moving less.

So you get all this energy but the body can't find any way to expend it. So it decides to store it for future use... in the form of... you guessed it.. Fat! *dramatic music* Fast forward 6 months -> BAM! You're out of shape.

So what do you do to prevent all this mayhem? I know the solution!
Start eating less and start moving more.

"The simplest solution is almost always the best." (described in the Occam's Razor)

Now, of course, I am not telling you to starve yourself from today onwards or to go run a marathon. That'd be ludicrous (Starving yourself actually increases future fat storage in the body). All I am saying is to eat a bit less than you normally do. And move a bit more than you usually move. The point is to make that a part of your lifestyle. (See? I made that bold. It means that its super important.)

You see, that is where the confusion happen and people end up doing the wrong thing. They eat nothing or restrict themselves from almost every food. Upon seeing some initial results, they go back to their overeating, no-exercise lifestyle. They gain back their weight and realize everything was in vain. See? that is why I made that lifestyle thing bold.

Also, the 'eat less, move more' advice is for healthy young people who are out of shape. Not applicable for people who are morbidly obese or the ones who have undiagnosed medical conditions or possibly a fried thyroid.

Understanding food.

"Eat veggies, but don't eat sweets" advice is bullshit! Okay, it is not complete nonsense. Surely the former is a healthier choice than the latter. But it does not send the right message. Allow me to explain: 

Everything you eat is broken down by your body into three things- 3 Macro Nutrients.
Now, obviously from your food, you also receive a lot of micros (like vitamins) but they are not really relevant to weight loss so you won't hear me speaking of them.

So yeah, The three Macros! they are Protein, Carbs, and Fat.
Protein is for muscles. Carbs are for energy. Fat is for backup energy & insulation.

The thing about oats or other food the are labeled 'clean' is that they contain a lot fewer carbs to weight ratio. Now carbs, as I said is simply energy. But the thing to understand here is that the carbs you get from oats are not 'good' in the sense. They are simply just less of it. That's it.

Now about sweets, pastries and what not which are labeled 'bad food'. They are not bad! They just contain a lot more carbs to weight ratio when compared to other food like, say potatoes. So the energy you get from them.. the carbs.. are the same that you get from a bowl of oats. The difference is the amount of it you get.

So if you get around 100gms of carbs from one bite of a cake.
You only get 30gms of carbs from a bite of potatoes.
See? Different amount of the same energy stored in the same volume.

But are the carbs you get from the cake unhealthy? No!
The cake gets called a bad food because you don't know what's going on!

So don't fear food. Simply control the food.
If you wanna have some sweets, go ahead! there is not point in dieting or having a good lifestyle if you are sad and grumpy the whole time for not getting to enjoy your favorite desserts and chocolates. Go on, have them! just remember how much energy they contain in them and reduce your rest of the intake accordingly. Or better, after having all that high sugar food, go home and burn that extra energy you got instead of giving your body a chance to store it as fat.

Three reasons why you're out of shape.

1. Ignorance
2. Genetics
3. Bad Glands

The third numbered point refers to any medical conditions you might have. Mainly glands that are secreting way to much juice than they are supposed to. In that case, as obvious as it may sound, go see a doctor.

The second one refers to your body's genetic disposition to store fat. So you will gain more weight than other people and lose less than other people even if you eat exactly like those other people. Pretty much nothing you can do about it except to embrace and act accordingly. Genetics, my friend - What can you do?

First one is named 'ignorance'. We are not in shape because we don't know! We are unaware what we are putting in our bodies and we are unaware of the things we are supposed to do with our bodies. Of course, there are some of us *points at the writer himself* that do know the essentials but still are lazy to do anything about it.

So what are we ignorant about? We don't know exactly how much food we are consuming. That is the sad reality, even if you think you know better. How many of you just eat whatever that is in front of you? if you raised your hand, you have no right to whine about how heavy you've become lately.

The main reason I stay thin (most of the time) is because I am aware of what I am putting in my body. Well, I don't measure and calculate the Macros in my food like those bodybuilders do (which is a good thing but too tedious in my opinion). But having an idea of the amount of food you are having and how much 'energy' it might contain is very beneficial and will aid you in your path to your fitness goals.

The second thing we are ignorant about is how much our bodies should be getting exercise. We sit all day long and don't do anything that makes us sweat. Now, if you live in a hot country, sure! You sweat every hour but that is just your body trying to lower the core temperature. I am talking about real exercise here. And no, I am not talking about going to the gym and lifting weights.

You do not need to go the gym to be fit and healthy. 

Fitness Adarsh Jon Alex

When I say exercise, I mean walking, skipping the elevator, cleaning your house, dancing, playing a sport, practicing some kind of martial arts. The point is just to subject your body to movement. Just move. Do something. That is all you need to do.

But if you want to lose a significant amount of weight instead of just maintaining the body you have (like me), you need to do something serious. Sprinting is a great option. So is any form of HIIT. If that is too intense for you, simply do some basic cardio.

Remember workouts and exercises are crucial to weight lose. But not because it helps you burn the calories but it helps you boost your metabolism and your blood circulation. That is the main role of exercise when it comes to losing weight.

Plus, when you do exercise, depending on the intensity, the muscles used are enlarged after each session. Having a larger amount of lean muscle mass in your body helps you burn a few calories even when you are doing nothing.

Exercise is the key. It is very important and has multiple benefits.
Now coming to the cons of not doing anything physically exerting:

If a person just sits almost the entire day, they are looking at muscle degeneration, organ damage, weight gain, loss of brainpower and much more. Almost all of these are the results of poor blood circulation that are caused by being too idle and lazy. You move more, you move your blood more.

And now things you might have heard of that are probably not true.

1. Situps/ crunches will reduce belly fat.
Truth: There is no such thing as spot reduction. When you lose fat, you lose fat throughout the whole body (or maybe at some places at first) but you don't get to decide which part. If you wanna get rid of the excess fat on your belly or on your thigh, reduce the overall fat% in your body.

2. Situps/ crunches will give you abs.
Truth: They merely make abdominal muscles bigger. The key is to have the correct amount of body fat that is low enough to reveal the protrusion of those muscles (you also need them to big enough to have a protrusion in the first place).

3. Sweating means calories are burning.
Truth: You sweat because it's hot. It is a way of our bodies to regulate the internal temperature. If you run a marathon in the Arctic, you will probably not sweat. Does that mean you did not burn any calories? No.

4. One needs to go the gym to get fit.
Truth: You need to exert your body to burn calories and stress your muscles by simply using them to make them bigger. And trust me, you can do both with even owning a set of weight let alone go to a gym.

5. Working out is the only thing you need to do to get buff.
Truth:  Food is just as important as the workout. Without feeding your body protein, it can NOT build those muscles you want it to.

6. All one needs to do is jog every morning to lose weight.
Truth: No matter how much you jog or run... or sprint, it will not benefit you if you simply eat everything in a 2-mile radius afterward. The trick is the eat the same amount of food you usually eat when you don't do any training while you do training. Does that make sense? read it again if it doesn't.

7. "Dave next door got abs in six days by doing pushups, I can, too!"
Truth: No, you can not. That is Dave and this is you. You're different than Dave. Your fat distribution is different from Dave's. Your genetics is different from Dave's. Your body type is different from Dave's. Your metabolic rate is different from Dave's. Stop comparing. If Priya aunty lost 5kgs in 2 weeks, well good for her! freakin' great! but don't expect do the same in the same time frame.

Understand that different people lose weight at a different pace. Give your body the time it deserves. And Also know that it is a slow process. Unless you take steroids (and inevitably get cancer & ED) you can not make a swift transformation. Give yourself some time. It is your body, not a clay doll.

What does Adarsh Jon Alex do?

Adarsh Jon Alex Abs

I think this was the moment you were waiting for. To know how I maintain the equilibrium.
Well, I am going to tell you what I do! Here you go:

I implement everything I wrote in the article.. in my life. That's it!
No, seriously though, that's it.

*wide grin*

Well, there are obviously these little things I do on a daily basis that is more or less relevant to my fitness life. Those are health choices. And yes, I am willing to share them with you right here!

Before that, let me tell you; this is not how I look all the time. It may be obvious for some of you, and not very much for the rest. I have written about this very topic in my previous post 'False image'. Please check that out if you have not.

So yeah, back to the things I do every day:

1. To maintain my muscles (or sometimes to make 'em bigger), I do calisthenics on a daily basis. They mostly include very simple exercises like Chin-ups (for biceps), Pull-ups (for whole back), Push-ups (rarely, for chest and almost all the upper body muscles), hanging and non-hanging leg raises (for abs and core), Dips (for triceps), 3-finger Push-ups for the fingers, wide arm variant of Chin-ups (for the forearms), normal plank and elbow plank (for core strength, abs, triceps).

All these exercises only require a structure from which you can hang, a floor (or your bed) and your own body's weight. That's it. I do all these in moderation. You can look wayy better if you do all of these a lot on a daily basis.

2. To maintain my fat percentage I do cardio (and HIIT) . Basically, exercises which make your heart go all crazy. For that, I either go to a ground nearby and sprint like something is on fire or I stay at home and 'run in place'. That is just a simulation of actual sprinting at home. And if done right, equally effective. Or I simply do 'mountain climbers'.

bonus tip: When I do cardio at home, it is usually just after I wake up, on an empty stomach. I start the cardio and when I feel like I am about to die I stop, take a 5-minute rest and go to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

3. I drink only water to quench my thirst. And milk to quench my 'nutritional thirst'.

4. I naturally do not consume any added sugar because I do not drink any kind of beverages (hot or cold) and I rarely eat anything sweet. Less intake of sugar ensures optimum level of Testosterone (it plays a big role in fat loss and muscle development in men).

6. I control my daily intake of calories. The process is so easy for me because I eat Chapathi (aka roti) 4 times a day (along with a variety of veg curries of course). In each meal, I have 3 of them. Not more, not less. And if I go out and eat something very heavy, I compensate for that back in my home next day by eating two less.

7.  I consume around 18 eggs a week for my protein requirements (and for a lot of other micronutrients). Plus I drink 2 glasses of water in the first and the last hour of the day to boost my metabolism and a half glass of water 10 mins before every meal to aid digestion. And I often have my supper 2-3 hours prior to sleep.

I try to sleep at around 11 pm and wake up around 6. That never works out though. I always fail to make that a part of my lifestyle. But I try, and that is what matters *author smiles*

Well, Thank you for reading till this point!

Let us summarize.

Eat food in a controlled manner. Know which food contains what and how much. Drink loads of water. Exercise daily. Have a stable sleep cycle. and most importantly.. be happy. There is no point in having a Greek god like physique when you're unhappy deep inside. So strive towards nurturing yourself physically and mentally.

Well, that is pretty much it! Everything I know, written.

So to conclude this mile long essay, I would like to wish you productive n' healthy days ahead and I hope you make great meaningful choices in your life, small and big, with the knowledge I've equipped you with alongside the wisdom I've humbly tried to impart.

First photo credits: Aadarsh Jadhav.
Stock photo credits: David Whittaker.
Third photo gear credits & Fourth photo credits: Aryan Prince.

Some Portions of this entry was inspired by Lex Griffin's video.
Should any facts presented here be wrong, use contact information to suggest corrections.

May 16, 2017

False Image

This entry contains a few important things that I've realized along the way that may hopefully help you see the 'fitness world' from a fresh new different perspective. The truth. Shall we?

Picture a guy with rock-solid abs. Ripped. Toned.
Now go through the following text:

Visible abs are due to two things only: The abs themselves (the size) and the amount of subcutaneous fat covering them. As long as there is ample amount of the former and very less of the latter, you will have ripped looking Abdomen. See? simple.

But do you know what the irony here is? People who have visible sets of abdominal muscle can also have bulging, protruding bellies. Crazy, right? I know!

Potbelly or 'beer belly' occur mainly due to the presence of visceral fat. The kind that is beneath all those abs. They tend to stay along side or on internal organs. Totally different from the fat that hides the average joe's abs. So Visible abs and protruding belly can be present simultaneously in an individual.

Other reasons why a person can have superficial definition along with the pot belly are fluid retention, gas buildup, gut inflammation and so on (to more dangerous stuff).

So how do you know that the guy you pictured mere seconds ago does not have a slightly protruding tummy? Well, he probably has one. Yes. This is common. And very normal. Only a very few people naturally have 100% flat stomach. I am not one of them. And neither is that bodybuilder whose photo you saw on Instagram yesterday.

The point is that they may look perfect in those pictures, video, and stuff... but they are not. Probably.

Do you feel a bit better about yourself now, huh? Well, you should. Even if you are slightly out of shape, know that no one on this planet is technically 100% fit. No one is perfect.

Also, I am pretty sure about you having heard the word contraction. Eh? They keep their muscles contracted while taking those photos or while on those ramp walks. Everybody does. I do it, too. All the photos I've taken with my shirt off show my contracted muscles. Is that cheating? Of course not. But is that the real me? Well, I surely don't sleep, walk, talk with all those muscles contracted, now do I?. No. So the question I am trying to ask is: Are you sure that those bodybuilders look that great with their muscles relaxed? with their tummies not sucked up in so tight? When they are being themselves and not posing for a photoshoot?

See where I am going with this?
Coming to think of it, I am asking a lot of questions here, ain't I? Hah!

Also, did you know that models and bodybuilders often take diuretics before photo shoots and other such occasions to eliminate excess fluid in their system to make the muscles look super toned? Yes. They do.

Diuretics are these medicines/drugs intended for treatment for renal failure but they also happen to have this small positive effect. Take them and for a while, you will look a lot more ripped. (flushes out more water from your body, less water in the skin to hide the protrusion and shape of muscles underneath)

Get the point, my friend?
More imperfection. More deceptions. Oh yes.

And don't make me talk about steroids! Ugh.

Plus, the people who are super buff (like OMG buff) are mostly not very healthy. They've injured themselves. They've taken drugs they shouldn't have. They've done things with their bodies they were not supposed to. All because they wanted to look like a Greek God or something. Looks matters to these people way more than their health. Hmm... I should probably stop!

Long story short: Nobody is flawless. Nobody looks like that 24/7. But I guess you can surely look a little better than you look right now. I know I do. So start working! But not to be like those people (even they are not actually themselves).  Aim for a physique that is healthy as well as beautiful. Your own. Grow and nurture a body you'll be delighted to live in for the rest of your life.

Click here to read my fitness story (facts and bits of advice included)

Photo/model credits: Jakob Owens

Apr 5, 2017

The Regret

What hurts the most, Regret or failure? Ahh, that age old question. We can go on and on, can't we? But you already know what my answer would be. It is right there in the title. Regret

While failure often inspires us to succeed, regret only haunts us to make our lives miserable. Failures are false positives. Regrets are false negatives. One is pain while the other is a burden. Hmmm. Got the rough idea?  On to my story, then!

I've always been an empathetic person. I often think how one person would feel if they were subjected to a particular situation I was in. And of course, vice versa. But that in no way means I haven't hurt anybody. I have. Numerous times. And I learned from my mistakes. Horrible mistakes.

But that is not relevant when you think about how much you've grown. And all the matter is what you are now, right? What all those things that you went through molded you into. A better person, perhaps? Or a wounded one. Scarred for life, if you will. I, for one, belong in the latter group. A bit in the former too, in my not-so-humble opinion.

"My past rendered me more thoughtful. Maybe because of all the pain it inflicted."

I am writing this, not in the hopes of creating content but for merely expressing my emotion regarding the matter. And to shed light on something that deserves it. Of course, it does not matter as what happened, happened and can never be changed. Writing about this would be futile in a sense, but that is what we are all about, aren't we? Doing something, not because it makes sense but because we feel like it.

So allow me to walk down the valley of futility with a weeping heart that has stories to tell. Stories that are personal., which you (assuming someone other than the author is reading) may not be able to relate. But I'll do my best.

So allow me to talk about my most recent regret/tragedy, which undoubtedly was one among the worst in my book. I believe it will do justice to the entry, too. And I also believe it will hide itself from people who don't deserve to see it. *Winks*

Photo credits (The header photo): Matthew Henry.

Feb 5, 2017

Perks of Religion

I contemplate a lot. That is basically what I am all about. And religion is one of those things I ponder upon in my leisure time. It is indeed a very interesting topic. Not very pleasant to debate on, though.

In this article, I will be expressing my views on religions and some of the ideas & concepts it offers that are worth implementing in your life (even if you're a non-believer).

You're nothing. Almost. 

This can be explained in a figurative as well as in a literal way. Look at the vast Universe we're all in. Three grand concepts that it represents: Eternity, infinity and immortality. Do we humans represent any of this? do you represent any of this?

The point is to be humble. And humbleness comes from within when you truly realise that there are greater things than you. Greater meaning. Greater ideas. Greater wisdom than what you possess.

Humility begins when you recognise yourself in relation to God (or the vast universe), accept the defects that you meekly inherit and embrace the fact that you're only an insignificant yet irrelevant speck in the cosmos (or in a divine being's grand scheme).

Scriptures tell us that we are nothing. And our purpose is to serve the greater good. So why not implement that in your life? Why not get rid of the silly notion that you're the centre of your universe?  Why not believe that you, along with all the life on the planet, is what gives the universe a meaning instead of thinking you are the universe.

"The true way to be humble is not to stoop until you are smaller than yourself, but to stand at your real height against some higher nature that will show you what the real smallness of your greatness is." – Phillips Brooks

The simplest rule

I am not saying every religious person in the neighbourhood has a very strong empathy. That would be a hysterical thing to say. But the point is, almost every religion teaches empathy.

But do we learn? Do we realise its importance? Do we implement it in our lives?
Here is the most important rule of all. And its many variations.

"What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellowman. This is the entire Law; all the rest is commentary."
"This is the sum of duty; do naught onto others what you would not have them do unto you."
"No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself."
"All things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them.”
"Hurt not others in ways that you yourself would find hurtful."

Same thing. Told using different words. By different of people. From different religions.
What does it mean? It tells us to treat others in the way we want them to treat us.
Pretty straight forward, don't you think? Very elegant, too. A rule, which when followed, can effectively solve all our problems, all the misery, all the evil. I often dream about a world like this. A world wherein people would follow this one little rule. This one little piece of advice. And then I give a long sigh of sheer despair.


The religions in past had a lot to offer. The religions in the present have a lot to offer. Neither made (or is making) the world a better place. For man saw in religion what he should never have seen. *The End*

You can make this world a better place... by being Humble.. and being Kind.
May good things come along your way.

This entry will be further updated.
Photo credits: Jace Grandinetti


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Content Writing

Apart from blogging, writing articles was the most profitable thing I've done on the internet. I enjoy it. I love writing, almost about anything.

Web Designing

A website, for me, is all about it's aesthetics. With my profound knowledge in CSS, I can make any website look alluring.


Editing Images and giving them a new look is something I enjoy doing. I Will accept paid work - any time and any day.


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